Discussing GENOVATE results at EARMA AC 2016

Achievements of the GENOVATE FP7 project are discussed at the EARMA Annual Conference June 20-22, 2016 in Luleå. Carina Mattsson and Maria Hjelte present how the Human Resource department is implementing a gender-aware and sustainable recruitment process at Luleå University of Technology (chair: Paula Wennberg). In an other session the GENOVATE Toolkit is launched and demonstrated by Paula Wennberg and Arne Gylling presents how gender dimension is being integrated in the OPTi H2020 project (chair: Ylva Fältholm).

The aim of the OPTi H2020 project is to create a long-lasting impact by rethinking the way district heating and cooling systems are architected, controlled and operated.EARMA, European Association of Research Managers and Administrators is active in the GENOVATE project as a stakeholder. This year’s EARMA conference takes place in Luleå with nearly 600 participants http://www.earmaconference.com/

Read more about this GENOVATE Learning Circle on CDT's website. The learning circle is organised in collaboration with EARMA AC 2016. http://www.ltu.se/centres/cdt/Om-oss/Genus-och-mangfald/Genovate-Learning-Circle-2?l=en