GEAP's implementation:

genovate official siteThe GENOVATE Community is a platform which enables GENOVATE partners to share institutional information and case studies, and facilitates the coordination of a buddy system for bench learning.

The GENOVATE Community consist of seven GENOVATE partner institutions; the GENOVATE International Advisory Board; key strategic collaborators and stakeholders and the general public. It is a mechanism designed to facilitate meaningful knowledge exchange across the community at local, national and international levels within each of the partner institutions’ countries, across Europe and globally.

GENOVATE @ National Convention of Neapolitan Women in Science Association



Making Diversity Inteventions Count Annual Conference 1st June 2016

GENOVATE@UNIBRAD Is very proud to be announcing its achievement of Phase 7 of Gender Equality Change Academy Model (Institutional Conference linked to a Lever - Athena SWAN) through MDICAC taking place on Wednesday 1st June. We have incorporated a celebratory National Learning Circle within this conference and two partners, GENOVATE@UCC and GENOVATE@AU will be joining us. Please view detailed programme for #diversity conference #MDICAC2016 and book a free place at 

GENOVATE UNINA at the Transparency Day

On 16th of December the GENOVATE-UNINA team presented the "Gender Budget" project at a public event dedicated to transparency in the academia, broadcasted in streaming to all of the UNINA community.

GENOVATE-UNINA @ FUTURO REMOTO Science Festival in Naples

GENOVATE-UNINA has participated to the 29th edition of FUTURO REMOTO, a popular Science Festival sponsored by Città della Scienza (a renowned Naples-based Foundation promoting scientific knowledge and public access to science), to give visibility to the GENOVATE project and to women researchers in academia.


UNINA Gender Budget

Dr. Antonella Liccardo attended a training course provided by the CINECA, the Italian computing centre that develops technical tools for treating the large amounts of data of the Italian Universities, in order to entry and manage the database that collects the UNINA data.

Launch of the Mentoring Pilot Programme at UNINA

The Launch of the Mentoring Pilot Programme at UNINA was held on October 27th 2014 in Naples with the participation of the delegate of the new Rector, the Director of the Science and Technology School, Prof. Piero Salatino, and members of the Institutional Advisory Board (CII) of GENOVATE from the academic and top management staff of UNINA and stakeholders.

After a brief introduction of the Coordinator of the GENOVATE UNINA team, Dr. Ofelia Pisanti, and the welcome address by Prof. Piero Salatino, Dr. Ilenia Picardi, Project Manager of the UNINA team, provided an overview of the Mentoring project. During the session, several UNINA and stakehoder representatives had a speech: Prof. Rita Mastrullo, from the Academic Senate, Prof. Caterina Arcidiacono, Rector's Delegate, Dr. Angela Gargano, from the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (which is partner of the GENOVATE team for the organization of the Mentoring Programme), Prof. Daniela Montesarchio, from the Naples Women in Science Group (Coordinamento Napoletano Donne nella Scienza).

The presentations were followed by a debate, moderated by Prof. Luciano Mayol, Director of the Center for the Coordination of Special Projects and Organizational Innovation (COINOR).