The GENOVATE Community is a platform which enables GENOVATE partners to share institutional information and case studies, and facilitates the coordination of a buddy system for bench learning.
The GENOVATE Community consist of seven GENOVATE partner institutions; the GENOVATE International Advisory Board; key strategic collaborators and stakeholders and the general public. It is a mechanism designed to facilitate meaningful knowledge exchange across the community at local, national and international levels within each of the partner institutions’ countries, across Europe and globally.
Prof.Dr.Çiler Dursun made a speech as invited speaker at the conference on "An Innovative Example on Gender Equality Action Plan Implementation through GEOVATE" at International Sypmposium on Gender Eqaulity in Academia, Istanbul, 7-8th November 2014. She has told about AU's own experience on GEAP Implementation and got intense attention from the participants on unique example of Turkey.
In a Stop & Share Session GENOVATE partners discuss on-line gender competent leadership that is part of the WP4 work lead by AU. Today's session is hosted by Ylva Fältholm, LTU.
Graduate students of Humanities and Letter Faculty were trained on finding research funds and application procedures and research designs in Ankara University. Prof.İhsan Çiçek, Prof.Çiler Dursun and Expert Esra Bilir provide useful content and answered the questions of future academics on finding research funds. 33 students attended. Thanks for all participants for this great opportunity shared.
I've met with 3 members of Social Science Research Evaluation subworking Group of Scientific Research Coordinatorship of AU today at Rectorate hall on developing a Code of Practice for SRC. We all agreed that a preparation will be submitted to the Board of Coordinatorship and then to the Senate as soon as possible. We'll reflect the gap between Research Evaluation Directive and Research Implementation Principles of AU.
I've been in a meeting at Technology Tranfer Officce about how to improve applications of AU academicians to the national and international reserahc funds in Rectorate meeting hall. High officcer of TUBITAK also attended and given inspiration on sustainability of the supports to researches. Head of the TTO, chair of BAP led the 3 hours meeting.
Genovate team has met Prof.Dr.İnayet Aydın,Inservice Training Coordinator at AU. She is the top manager for inservice trainings for both academic personnels and administrative personnel in AU. We made a fertile discussions and brainstorming on Gender Equality Competent Leadership package preparations and will share the outcomes of this long meeting with our partners soon. She'lll also be a part of AU Institutional GECAT.
Ciler& Emel
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