GEAP's implementation:

genovate official siteThe GENOVATE Community is a platform which enables GENOVATE partners to share institutional information and case studies, and facilitates the coordination of a buddy system for bench learning.

The GENOVATE Community consist of seven GENOVATE partner institutions; the GENOVATE International Advisory Board; key strategic collaborators and stakeholders and the general public. It is a mechanism designed to facilitate meaningful knowledge exchange across the community at local, national and international levels within each of the partner institutions’ countries, across Europe and globally.

UNINA-GENOVATE @ Sister Projects Workshop in Padova




On 11 December 2015 the UNINA-GENOVATE team was invited to participate in a Workshop organized by the GenderTime Project at the UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD) on the major Gender Research-Action Projects currently active in several academic institutions in Italy.

Dr. Antonella Liccardo attended the Workshop as a representative of the UNINA-GENOVATE team.

The Workshop was dedicated to the memory of the British mathematician Ada Byron Lovelace (1815-1852).
The Sister Projects that attended the Workshop were:
This was a good opportunity for UNINA-GENOVATE to network with projects informed by similar objectives and experiencing similar challenges at the national scale.
Visit the Workshop webpage for more details:
  • Links to webpages of Sister Projects active in Italy are provided
  • Workshop presentations are available as PDF

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