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Published on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 14:20
Written by Ilenia Picardi
Hits: 18665
In order to ensure the sustainability of GENOVATE project at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, the Gender Observatory on University and Research has been established in our institution.
The Gender Observatory aims to promote:
Studies and research projects to integrate gender perspectives into scientific knowledge and academic activities
Research projects on evaluation methodologies and evaluation criteria used at the international scale in order to identify gender and diversity-sensitive tools
Data analyses of women’s presence and careers across all areas of academic work and activities (teaching, research, social work and community development, governance, administration, etc.); regular updates of gender-sensitive statistics and context analyses necessary to carry out gender budgeting in cooperation with the university’s administration
Monitoring and evaluation of innovative ways to support women’s careers in academia in order to foster gender equality on campus
Gender-sensitive fundraising in order to further advance gender equality
The Gender Observatory consists of four research areas:
Gender Studies in Science and Technology (Coordinator: Dr llenia Picardi)
Gender and research evaluation (Coordinator: Prof MariaCarmela Agodi)
Gender Budgeting and statistics (Coordinator: Dr Antonella Liccardo)
Women’s career in university and research (Coordinator: Dr Ofelia Pisanti)
The Observatory is expected to liaise with:
CUG (Comitato Unico di Garanzia = Equal Opportunities Committee)
PhD program Human Mind and Gender Studies;
SInAPSi (Centro di Ateneo dei Servizi per l’Inclusione Attiva e Partecipata degli Studenti = Service Centre for Students’ Inclusion and Active Participation);
Social Budget Working Group; with CII (Comitato Istituzionale di Indirizzo = Institutional Advisory Board);
Gender Equality Change Academy Team (GeCAT) representatives;
INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare = National Institute for Nuclear Physics);
all the stakeholders that have contributed to the success of the Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) at UNINA within the framework of the GENOVATE project.

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